Serving Nevada Real Estate
Clients for 20+ Years
August 2020 Las Vegas Housing Market Stats
August 2020 Las Vegas Housing Stats

August 2020 Las Vegas Housing Market Stats –

August 2020 Las Vegas Housing Stats August 2020 Las Vegas Housing Stats

August 2020 Las Vegas Housing StatsAugust 2020 Las Vegas Housing StatsAugust 2020 Las Vegas Housing Stats

August 2020 Las Vegas Housing StatsAugust 2020 Las Vegas Housing Stats

For complete 15 pg report:

Showing Time Numbers for Las Vegas 

The chart above shows the number of showing via “Showingtime”, a technology platform in which agents can set up showings for available listings.   You will notice that the numbers have steadily increased from mid-April, 2020.  This graph above was pulled on September 14, 2020.  The general public has access to these number at

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